Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Stop (jerky) Motion

I found myself very excited the other week when we were preparing to watch the stop motion projects. However, I found myself disappointed in the quality of work that my group put out. We took far too few pictures to have a real idea of what is supposed to be happening in the frame. Some of the shots we did came out well, with the three or four tries at capturing the falling mousetrap we did get one or two good takes. I still like a lot of the shots we used - such as the Indiana Jones homage - but should have taken 4 times as many pictures for this to have made sense. I am eager to pull out some of the recording equipment to capture sfx for the class project. I think Adrian and I are going to take a day off from things and capture as much sound as we can. I expect we'll come up some interesting places to record at. Plus there's always everything we can find to bang on in our closets. haha. I do look forward to see what these look like once the frames have been slowed down and such. Good to be back in class.